Dream, Future, carrer
My name is muhammad silmi kaffa. I have one sister, and i'm from bandung.now i'm seventeen years old. and my school right now is Sma negeri 3 bandung. so when I was child till now i love playing games but now beside game i would like to make game, or anyting related with programming. why ? because i think it's same with game but if i can programming ,i can make a game and play it or sell it. and I think it's my strength cause when I study about programming i can understad it easily. but i easy to forget it to,so its my weaknees. when i elemntary school, I joined a contest,programming a robot .and i am the scond winner,it's ok cause my opponent is more smart. Now i want to study more about programming or anything else realted to technology but i can't, beacuse i can't organise my time,and i'm very lazy. So my dream after high school i want to join STEI ITB, i know very much people want to join this college. and i want to be one of them. after collage i want to make a new technology but i don't know what i want to make, so now i must thinking about it.mybe i want to get a job first , i want to take a job in a big company and then make something new. ok thank you that's all from me.